The Evolution of the Marseille Crest






Marseille Crest 1899 to 1935

Marseille was formed in 1899 by local sportsman René Dufaure de Montmirail, and he would have a big influence on the design of first crest. He had a personal seal that was a monogram of an intertwined D and M, his initials, so decided to do similar with the O and M from the club's initials. The club's motto “Droit au But” (meaning "Right to the goal") was actually used by the rugby section of the club but was also adopted by the football club and placed across the crest with a ribbon effect.
Marseille Crest 1935 to 1972
1935 saw the club adopt a new crest, and it was about as radically different to the previous design that could be possible. The minimal look of the M inside the O would look modern nowadays, so you can imagine how this would have been viewed back then.
Marseille Crest 1972 to 1986
The 1930s OM logo was used right through to the early 1970s, when they decided to go back to an intertwined monogram-style again, with the O and M inside a circular band.
Marseille Crest 1986 to 1990

Marseille improved the crest in 1986, adding the motto again and getting rid of the outer ring.
Marseille Crest 1990 to 1993

The crest was changed slightly in 1990, the design being slightly simplified and the colour changed to a lighetr blue. This was a great period for the club which saw them dominating Ligue 1 and culminated in them becoming the first ever French cub to lift Europe's top trophy, Marseille winning the first Champions League final, following the re-branding of the European Cup in the 1992-93 season.
Marseille Crest 1993 to 1998

This was a great period for the club which saw them dominating Ligue 1 and then becoming the first Champions League winner, following the re-branding of the European Cup in the 1992-93 season.
After Marseille won the 1993 Champions League, the crest was changed to celebrate the triumph, the club adding a single star above the M to show off their European success.
Marseille Crest 1998 to 2000

To celebrate the club's 100th birthday, this special crest was created. The year of both the formation and the 100th anniversary were included on the outside, along with the club motto.
Marseille Crest 2000 to 2004

The colours were changed in 1996, with the M being filled in a darker blue, whilst the O was white with a blue outline.
Marseille Crest 2004 to Now
The last reworking of the Marseille crest took place in 2004. Local company Encore designed a more modern, sleeker looking crest that saw the intertwined effect on the O and M changed to a single, solid, combined item, all in light blue. The “Droit au But” motto was still on the crest, but was moved below for the first time and coloured gold like the Champions League star at the top.